Monday, September 29, 2008

just a little shout out

Way to go LJ and the Chiefs! Oh, how it makes my heart happy to see the Bronchos lose:)

Saturday, September 27, 2008

what are you waiting for?

Yesterday I was having a bad day. A truly spectacular bad day. It started off on the wrong foot - extreme fatigue from too little sleep, a miscommunication problem that seems to be approaching habit, no milk for my morning coffee. And then it progressed, as bad days tend to do, into more and more of the same. Demanding families, patients that just don't seem to get better. Encounters with other people that were so obviously not having their best day. Lots of little things that wouldn't impress you if I detailed them. Just trust me, it was not a good day. Shortly after I got home I received a text:

GUG: What's up? Have a good day?
me: I would label it as so-so. You?
GUG: Why is that?
me: Just a lot of things that didn't go the way I wanted them to or thought they should.

This interaction quickly followed by a phone call:

GUG: What's going on?
me: Just not having a good day.
GUG: Sorry, I probably kept you up too late.
me: Would've been a bad day regardless I'm sure.
GUG: Wow. Not used to this from you.
me: Used to what?
GUG: Well. You're usually happy, smiley, shiny Amy.
me: Yeah, well that's definitely the most predominate version. She's just not in residence today.
GUG: Ok. Well. Have a good night?
me: Yeah. Thanks. You too.

Great, huh? Exactly the pep talk I needed to turn my day around, right? Well ok, actually it may have been. I was so annoyed that I put on my cutest shirt with my most comfy jeans and took myself out for a girls night. And my girls came through for me. Bad day averted. But, the story doesn't end there. An hour or so into girls night, another phone call:

GUG: Are you in a good mood yet?
me: Uh, actually I am.
GUG: Great! I felt bad that you weren't happy . . .
(heart starting to forgive)
GUG: . . . I mean, I count on YOU to cheer ME up.
(anger returning to heart)
me: Uh-huh.
GUG: Ok, well, have a great night!
me: Yeah. Thanks. You too.

Listen up people. Shiny, happy Amy is exhausted. Ok? Exhausted. And sometimes a different walled-up version of Amy steps in to take care of her. Just for a few hours. Then the new protecter version finds the tired original version a latte. Or maybe some really good tequila. Eventually the smiles come back. So, just relax. Wait it out. Or better yet - listening GUG? - do something about it.

Monday, September 22, 2008

if it's not a word, it should be

I've been thinking about relationships a lot lately. For some super obvious reasons! I've always been sort of good at the interpersonal relationship thing. I'm a good friend, I know that. Most of the time I can sense what someone needs from me: comfort, an ear, some tough-love:) Sometimes it's a little harder. But, I've never been afraid to come straight out and ask a loved one what they're looking for from me. And I'm also not afraid to let 'em know if I can't deliver. Being generous with my heart, with my time, is a joy to me. I love doing small things for people that make them feel special in big ways. So little effort really for such a big reward. Starting to realize however, that no single relationship or friendship philosophy works for every encounter every time.

Which leads me to the following confession: I have no idea what I'm doing!

The grown-up guy is testing my intuition, testing my relationship sense. It seems like every action, every small gesture, can be interupted any number of ways. I repeat: I have no idea what I'm doing!


Thursday, September 18, 2008

well hello ripley!

8 lbs, 9 oz and 2o inches long

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

i need a patio

These last 3 days in Dallas have been amongst the most beautiful I can remember in Texas. Blue skies. A temp high of 80. Amazingly, not humid. A nice breeze that couldn't be further from a hurricane speed wind. And once nightfall strikes, it is a most excellent backdrop for a truly spectacular moon.

It would be absolutely perfect if someone hadn't been slipping all I come into contact with an excess of crazy pills.

Seriously peeps. There are some completely looney individuals taking up space in DFW as of late. I've asked it before and I'll ask it again now: How do these people find me? Is it sort of like a pheromone? Or a beacon of some kind? The crazies freakin' love me.

On the up side . . . Work is going well. Really well. The grown-up guy is still around and still acting very grown-up. The Cowboys are looking good for a Super Bowl run. And tomorrow my sister is giving me a new little niece or nephew.

So, on second thought, bring it on crazies. I can take it:)

Wednesday, September 10, 2008


Another date with the guy . . . that makes four in the last week.

Oh boy, am I in trouble.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

the best of what's around

am blogging soundtrack: Dave Matthews Band, Under The Table And Dreaming
am blogging sustenance: Organic Italian Roast coffee and a couple (ok, 4) ibuprofen

Whoa buddy. It's been one hell of a week . . .

Last weekend I opted to celebrate my last few days of unemployed freedom with yet another trip out of town. Went down to Florida to join 2 of my favorite Dallas defectors at a conference/board review they were attending. At Disney World. Go ahead, laugh. I did. A lot:) The craziest thing is that until I stood in the Orlando airport waiting to claim my bag, I didn't really get that I was going to DW. I kept thinking I was going to Orlando to meet up with some old friends for a little fun. And that was true. I just didn't think about all the other old friends I'd be reuniting with - Mickey, Donald, Goofy, a few Dwarfs . . . :)

Erica joined me for a trip to the Magic Kingdom as soon as I got there. Initially I wasn't feeling the Disney love. Lots of people, lots of humidity. But then came Space Mountain. The spinning tea cups. Pirates of the Caribbean. By the time we found a place to watch the Main Street Parade I felt like I was 10. No one in that crowd was more excited than me to see Donald Duck float by!

Exhausted, we headed back to our hotel - officially known as the Dolphin but dubbed The Big Ass Sea Bass by us. If you've been there, you know why:) We parked ourselves at the bar in the lobby, harassed friend Brad to join us, and ordered a few too many rounds of cosmos. It was a throw-back happy hour of sorts and the Cosmopolitan was the perfect drink for our reunion!

The next night the three of us hit up Downtown Disney for a great dinner at Fulton's Crab House followed by a trip to Paradise Island. Cheesy, I know. Our waitress at dinner told us that the group of clubs on PI were closing down this fall to make room for yet more shopping. We felt obligated, after several drinks, to be a part of the farewell tour. We made a pact with each other to have at least 1 drink and 2 dances at each of the four establishments. So we moonwalked and hustled our way through the 70s/80s themed 8TRAX. We encouraged people onto the dance floor at the BET bar by showing off our (embarrassing) white kid hip hop moves. We went painfully Lo at contemporary Motion. And we got steamy and dizzy with endless techno music on a revolving dance floor at a place called Mannequins. Went home to the BASB feeling 20 and woke the next morning feeling several decades older. Good times:)

The rest of the weekend was a little more low key - lots of good Amy/Erica time, a little Cuban food, buckets of rain, and several really excellent naps. Got back sooner than expected Sunday afternoon thanks to the threat of a few tropical storms and a super nice American Airlines employee who hooked me up with a first class seat on an earlier plane.

Greeted by friends back in Dallas who presented me with a brand spanking new lab coat, complete with name embroidered on the pocket, in honor of my upcoming return to work. Thanks girls:)

Speaking of work, allow me to repeat myself: whoa buddy. I must have walked several miles around the hospital each day this week. Even as I sit here, my calves are cramping because of all the stair climbing and descending I did over the last few days. At this rate, I'll shed my current sabbatical/hibernation body in no time:) Aside from that extra little benefit, or mostly because of that benefit, it was one exhausting week. And I loved it. Along with my pretty new white coat, I slapped on my doctor hat and got back to work. Back where I belong.

Two days ago my friend, mentor, and new Baylor partner enlarged her family by one. Tara and Grady welcomed a beautiful baby boy into the world and named him Graham. One of the many things on my to do list for today is to track down a little miniature Cowboys jersey for him so he'll be ready for our season opener tomorrow against Cleveland:) Congrats guys!

And, more:

There's a boy. Scratch that. There's a guy. An actual grown-up guy. It's very early but also, I think, very promising. Most importantly, I'm having fun again. Yesterday, pre-date, I actually shaved my legs. And you know what? I didn't mind it one little bit . . . :)