Saturday, May 31, 2008
Jack Shephard, you are my hero.
I have a new addiction and it is called Lost. Despite knowing many that have the same obsession, I somehow completely missed the boat. Until now. Discovered that ABC has the whole series in streaming HD on their website. Out of boredom the other day I decided to see what all the fuss is about. Oh boy, am I in trouble now. I can't seem to make myself stop. I kept thinking that if I just got through the first season that I could quit for awhile. I thought I could step away, that I still was in control. I was wrong. Very, very wrong. Gotta go now, season 2 is waiting . . . :)
Friday, May 30, 2008
By far, my favorite musician is James Taylor. I like his old stuff, his new stuff, and everything in between. He's the first singer I remember having a true passion for. I really can't imagine anyone ever creating something that will knock Fire and Rain off the very top of my list of all-time favorite songs. So, in honor of that and of him, what follows is my tribute to JT. Been really diggin' the photo montage thing as of late . . .

FIRE . . .
. . . AND RAIN


Wednesday, May 28, 2008
on/in my mind . . .
So, there's a song on the Juno soundtrack that goes "I am a vampire, I am a vampire." You know it? I have no idea what the rest of the lyrics are but that one line keeps ringing through my head. It's annoying enough to get a song stuck in your head. But when only a four word phrase from that song is involved in the replay, it's almost intolerable. My biggest fear of today? I'm worried that I'm going to start singing it under my breath, but OUT LOUD, when in public. Can you picture it? There I am relaxing during a facial (scheduled for later this am) when, unbidden, the song starts playing again in my subconscious. Do you know how up close and personal you and your facialist can get during that process? I'll be off guard, relaxed. She'll be focused, comfortable. And then a little murmur . . . I am a vampire, I am a vampire, I am a vampire.
Dammit. I knew this whole protect-your-skin paleness was going to backfire on me eventually.
Dammit. I knew this whole protect-your-skin paleness was going to backfire on me eventually.
Friday, May 23, 2008
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
"I'm gonna be forty!"
blogging soundtrack: Eli Young Band's Level
blogging sustenance: Starbuck's Latin America House Blend
blogging location: the big MO
blogging topic: not yet decided . . .
blogging mood: lonely?
Sitting in my childhood bedroom that now functions as an office of sorts for my mom. Braving the dial-up . . . :)
I drove up to Missouri with little sister Sarah last Friday for a week in the Burg. A wedding and Mother's Day behind me, I'm getting ready for my oldest niece's birthday in a few days. Yesterday I spent a beautiful day out of doors. It was a perfect 70 degrees and could not have been more stereotypically spring. Have spent quality time with my parents, my grandma, and my sister's family. And have plans to visit friends in the area later this week. I've never understood when people say "you can't go home again." Why not? It's so easy, so familiar. No matter where I get my mail delivered or where I keep most of my books, this house and this town will always be a home to me.
That's why this feeling of subtle loneliness is so unsettling. It's not something I've experienced very often and I don't like it. At all. I could be alone for days at a time and not feel lonely. But, here I am surrounded by my family and that's exactly what I feel.
Normally, I can talk to my family about anything. Anything. And at least one of them - dad, mom, or sisters - will understand exactly what I need, exactly where I'm coming from. Maybe that's where the loneliness is coming from this week. I am not understood. Things are happening and I don't feel as if anyone is seeing what I'm seeing, feeling what I'm feeling. Or maybe it's because for some reason no one wants me to express those feelings.
Yuck, yuck, yuck.
I'm just depressing myself. Not exactly going to improve the situation . . . wanna move on?
Baylor. I promised some Baylor details. Here goes: I have a job. Decided to accept the Baylor Dallas offer and I'm actually really excited. Probably won't be ready to start until August - the hospital credentialing process is so tedious! It's a really good deal with great benefits and an obscene amount of time off:)
Thinking about doing a little more travelling before my sabbatical is over. Domestic. Gonna give my passport a much needed breather:) Planning a trip with my grandma to visit family and friends in the Northwest. Haven't been to that part of the country since cousin Julie tied the knot! And I also would like to head off somewhere on my own. I think that may be just what the doctor (who, me?) ordered . . .
Oops. Eli Young is done. And I think I am too.
blogging sustenance: Starbuck's Latin America House Blend
blogging location: the big MO
blogging topic: not yet decided . . .
blogging mood: lonely?
Sitting in my childhood bedroom that now functions as an office of sorts for my mom. Braving the dial-up . . . :)
I drove up to Missouri with little sister Sarah last Friday for a week in the Burg. A wedding and Mother's Day behind me, I'm getting ready for my oldest niece's birthday in a few days. Yesterday I spent a beautiful day out of doors. It was a perfect 70 degrees and could not have been more stereotypically spring. Have spent quality time with my parents, my grandma, and my sister's family. And have plans to visit friends in the area later this week. I've never understood when people say "you can't go home again." Why not? It's so easy, so familiar. No matter where I get my mail delivered or where I keep most of my books, this house and this town will always be a home to me.
That's why this feeling of subtle loneliness is so unsettling. It's not something I've experienced very often and I don't like it. At all. I could be alone for days at a time and not feel lonely. But, here I am surrounded by my family and that's exactly what I feel.
Normally, I can talk to my family about anything. Anything. And at least one of them - dad, mom, or sisters - will understand exactly what I need, exactly where I'm coming from. Maybe that's where the loneliness is coming from this week. I am not understood. Things are happening and I don't feel as if anyone is seeing what I'm seeing, feeling what I'm feeling. Or maybe it's because for some reason no one wants me to express those feelings.
Yuck, yuck, yuck.
I'm just depressing myself. Not exactly going to improve the situation . . . wanna move on?
Baylor. I promised some Baylor details. Here goes: I have a job. Decided to accept the Baylor Dallas offer and I'm actually really excited. Probably won't be ready to start until August - the hospital credentialing process is so tedious! It's a really good deal with great benefits and an obscene amount of time off:)
Thinking about doing a little more travelling before my sabbatical is over. Domestic. Gonna give my passport a much needed breather:) Planning a trip with my grandma to visit family and friends in the Northwest. Haven't been to that part of the country since cousin Julie tied the knot! And I also would like to head off somewhere on my own. I think that may be just what the doctor (who, me?) ordered . . .
Oops. Eli Young is done. And I think I am too.
Friday, May 9, 2008

Monday, May 5, 2008
straight from my Paris travel journal . . .

Day 2
8 am
Still not on schedule in terms of wake/sleep after arriving in Paris yesterday morning. Tried without success to fight the "lag" when we got to our hotel but unable to prevent myself from taking a nap. Barely woke in time for a quick dinner before tucking in for an early night. K and I were both awake at 5 am this morning. I was able to go back to sleep for a bit before starting our day for real at 7 am with individual pots of French coffee from room service. The coffee came with a little pitcher of warm milk and chocolate - could definitely get used to beginning my day this way! Watching BBC World News while finishing my coffee . . . overwhelmingly the predominant topic is the sucky (my word) US economy. Yuck.
230 pm
For breakfast had a perfect croissant at a stereotypically perfect Parisian cafe - yea! Then decided to start off kind of slow with a boat tour of the River Seine. We figured it would be a good way to get our bearings in terms of the Paris skyline. It was very,very pretty . . . and very,very cold! 

Warmed up by taking a walk to the Arc de Triomphe. On the way we passed by the George V Four Seasons Hotel . . . couldn't stop myself from throwing out every quote I could remember from "French Kiss." This was largely under appreciated and misunderstood by my traveling companions:)

Grabbed lunch at an Italian sidewalk cafe - fromage, fromage, fromage! Now back at the hotel and in fairly desperate need of a nap . . .
230 am
Went to dinner at Altitude 95 - the restaurant at the Eiffel Tower. Kind of a strange atmosphere but definitely a pretty view:) Had a yummy, yummy dinner - creamy split pea soup, herb roasted veal, and an apple/almond tart. I'm still full!

Next, we hit the late show at Moulin Rouge. What an experience. Lots of cheesy dance routines with both male and female performers. Everyone started out fully clothed but that's not how it ended! Odd, really. And nothing remotely sexual about it. Just "hey, what happened to their shirts?" My favorite part was the comic relief by way of a ventriloquist. He used puppets. Puppies. People! Whatever he could get his hands on:) It's been a long, exhausting (not cheap) night but overall worth it. Not sure what tomorrow holds but there is so much I want to see!

Day 3
1230 pm
Slept in secondary to yesterday's late night. Had breakfast with the whole group - cheese omelet, croissant,and coffee. Yeah. Could definitely get used to this:) The rest of the gang decided to take a train out to Versailles. I would love to see it and it has been recommended to me many, many times. But. There is just so much I want to see in Paris. And, honestly, I need some "amy" time. So: I am sitting on a park bench by the Hotel des Invalides where the tomb of Napoleon lies under the dome of the St Louis Cathedral.

Took a wonderful walk along Rue Royale to the Seine. Did the tourist thing with my camera at Place de la Concorde and the Alexander III Bridge - so ornate!

Have a lot of things on my "list" but overall plan is NO PLAN:)
4 pm
Taking a break after walking the Paris streets all afternoon . . . sitting on a bench on the Solferino Pass over the River. Can see the Grand Palais to the west and Notre-Dame in the distance to the east. The sun is shining and I AM EXHAUSTED. But in a deliciously pleasant way. Attempted to visit both the Rodin and d'Orsay museums but long lines thwarted my efforts. Too much to see to wait in line!

I was successful in finding the English language bookstore I was looking for - Village Voice. Just can't resist a good bookstore! Also got up the courage to brave the post office for postcard stamps. So far almost everyone I'd encountered in the city spoke good English. But I was a little concerned that away from the tourism centers that it might be a different story. I practiced "le timbre" under my breath while waiting in line. I think the worker appreciated my effort:) He was super helpful, friendly,and spoke perfect English. He asked me where I was from in the states. When I said Texas he asked me if I kept a gun in my purse. No joke! Now I need to find a bathroom and a latte - in that order! - and then I'll be back in business:)
11 pm
Had the most amazing dinner at a restaurant recommended by K's boss - Au Petit Sud Ouest. Oh. My. God. So, so good! The atmosphere was perfect, everything you want a small French restaurant to be. And the people, so sweet and helpful. It turned out to be almost exclusively a duck restaurant. So French, right? I was reminded of that scene in "Better Off Dead" (with John Cusack) when they have the French-themed dinner in honor of a foreign exchange student- french fries, french toast,etc. Made me smile:) Some of us were doubters initially but we all ended up with very satisfied bellies! I had a marinated duck breast with some kind of fried potatoes after starting with a warm goat cheese salad. Yum. And then yet another apple tart for desert. Double yum. Viva la France! Overall, a perfectly wonderful day and my favorite so far in Paris. . .
Day 4
11 pm
Busy,busy day. No time for periodic journaling through the day so hopefully I can remember all the details now . . . Got an early start in an effort to beat the crowds at the Louvre. We were sort of successful. The line wasn't too bad but it seemed like we were swarmed the second we entered under the pyramid. The nastiest, bitchiest people in Paris work at the Louvre. Just so you know. In the same room as Da Vinci's "Mona Lisa" is Veronese's "The Wedding Feast at Cana." Lucky for me, everyone was crowded around little Mona so I had a clear and prolonged viewing of the masterpiece. It is a depiction of Christ's first miracle and is apparently the largest painting in the Louvre. I believe it - that sucker was BIG:) Seriously, it was stunning and by far my favorite thing at the museum. But overall? Not impressed by the big "L" - it was too big, too crowded, and just too damn proud of itself.

After a quick lunch we jumped on an open air tour bus as our transportation choice of the day. The afternoon was so beautiful that we ended up riding all over Paris. I revisited Place de la Concorde and Champs-Elyses. We did little circles around Arc de Triomphe and our old friend the Eiffel Tower.

I even got a "butt-side" view of Rodin's "Thinker" from the back of his museum as our bus drove by:) Finally got to spend a little quality time on Ile de la Cite and Ile St-Louis. Still didn't get as up close and personal with Notre-Dame as I would have liked . . . next time.

Had the BEST ice cream/sorbet at Berthillion's on the little island! Discovered that K is a French-guy magnet. We had to stop for a coffee pick-me-up in the late afternoon and chose a great people watching locale. These French boys (18, 19?) hard core hit on her and begged us to take their picture. Of course, we did:)

Less than an hour later she had met 2 new Frenchies - Radman and Amso. I finally got to say "Enchante" to someone! When I greeted Amso with a "bonjour/enchante" to accompany his 2 cheek European greeting kiss he said "Oh! Parlez voo francais?" Uh, no. Sorry buddy. Guess my accent was getting pretty good on the approximately 10 French words I know! They labeled themselves our Paris "boyfriends" and took us out for coffee. We found each other endlessly amusing and they were supremely disappointed when we wouldn't change our evening "program" to go to dinner and then a disco with them:) Dinner with the whole gang was another grand event with a superb restaurant recommendation by K's boss. The atmosphere was beautiful, although a little more formal than the evening before. But, if possible, the food was even better. Perfectly cooked pepper steak with an amazing zucchini casserole. Happy, happy belly. And so ends another exhausting but wonderful day in Paris. My last. Well, for this trip anyway . . . :)
Sunday, May 4, 2008
mas cerveza por favor!
Mexico was beautiful. Mexico was great. Mexico was very, very relaxing. Unfortunately my mind is so crowded with my Paris experiences that I just can't remember clearly the details of Cancun. Looked through all my pictures (took 100!) to try to jump start my faulty memory. Realized that, actually, the photo montage below sums up the long weekend pretty well . . . :)
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