Saturday, June 14, 2008

happy birthday cousin . . .

Me and Julie when we were little back in Missouri:)

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Stop leaving me people!

This weekend I have to say goodbye to yet another friend. Or actually, family. Erica and I were residents together and she and her husband Travis adopted me into their family after I moved to Dallas. Erica is the best happy hour buddy EVER and Travis has cooked a million meals for me and handed out free legal advice like it was going out of style. We've celebrated Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Easter holidays together. We've spent many an hour camped out in their living room watching football (Travis) and meaningless fluff TV (Erica). We may have even shared a few drinks:) 8 months ago their family grew by one little Zoe and she does a great job of giving me quick fixes for my chronic niece withdrawal! But, in a couple of days the family Williams will move to their new home. They'll only be 3 hours away but unfortunately much too far for a Sunday afternoon drop-by. I'll miss you guys so, so much! Thanks for being my Texas family when I was fresh out of the Show-Me state. I'm counting on that trip to Belize next winter so don't even think for a second about skipping out . . . :)

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

wincing the night away

Over the last few days it seems like I've been asked the following question (with few variations) an improportionate number of times:

So, what have you been up to?

It's been asked over the phone by a friend I haven't connected with in close to a year. Asked by family members who get fairly frequent unsolicited updates on my day-to-day life. Asked by new, or barely known, acquaintances as a part of their somewhat lame efforts at small-talk. And even asked by people that I've been seeing on a nearly daily basis as of late.

I can't quite figure out why I'm so bothered by this question.

Is it because I'm not convinced the person who poses the question really cares about the answer? Is it because, in the case of my long-lost friend, I don't have a clue where to start?

Most likely it's because some days the answer truly is, not much.

Maybe I should work on that.

Monday, June 9, 2008

just another manic monday

am blogging soundtrack: Levine Mix (The Wackness)
am blogging sustenance: coffee and cold (yum) pizza

Haven't randomed-up in a while so blogging will commence this morning without plan or agenda. We'll just have to see what comes of it . . .

Yesterday I cleaned my kitchen. Not my usual superficial swiping of the counters and rinsing out of the sink but a hard-core, down on my knees scrub. Makes me wanna cook. Except I don't want to make a mess of all the gleam. Makes me wanna keep the clean going into the living room, the bathroom, my bedroom. Except I'm still kind of exhausted. Not sure what to do with this level of tidy. I'm almost uncomfortable. Probably won't do it again.

Last week I got subpoenaed to testify in a case against a former patient of mine. I sat on the witness stand for an hour and a half while being questioned by 5 (FIVE!) separate attorneys. It was nerve-wracking. Tedious. Frustrating. Exhausting. It was nothing like TV. Well, except the ex-patient's lawyer did say "Isn't it true?" a lot . . . :)

This weekend I watched Dirty Dancing for possibly the 47th time. Then I put in Girls Just Want to Have Fun. Tried to round it off with Footloose but it wouldn't play right. It just kept going over and over the same John Lithgow sermon scene: "He's testing us!"

Last night I stayed up until 3 am to finish a book I was reading. Not really out of the ordinary for me. Except I'd read this book before. Twice. Is that weird?

Friday, June 6, 2008

Myla Jade, age 2

Happy birthday kiddo! And congrats on the whole potty-training thing:) Love, Aunt Mamey

Thursday, June 5, 2008

That Benjamin Linus sure is creepy.

One week ago the season 4 finale of Lost aired on ABC. Right around this same time, after hearing all the hoopla, I decided to check it out.

My ass is numb. My eyes are burning. I feel like I haven't slept properly in days. But I got it done. I'm all caught up. And I want more. Now. Please?