A little behind in the documentation BUT actually did do a project for each day since my last post.
On Tuesday I cleaned out my car. Full disclosure: I actually cashed in on a detail package that Clayton gave me last year for Christmas. So the actual cleaning was outsourced. But the organizing and purging to get ready for such a gift was handled by me! Even did a bonus cleaning of the girls' car seats. And, yeah, first time around on that one . . .
Wednesday I reorganized the dining room record collection. Took a photo because it looked so pretty. But it is currently lost in the internets. Will update if found!
Thursday was sock drawer day. That is all.
Saved Friday for the bras and other unmentionables.
Yesterday was a wash because Family Gates went to a lovely day wedding. PS: we all clean up really nicely:)
Today I made up for yesterday with two projects:
trying out thin felt hangers to reorganize my closet (but REALLY wanting to do all wooden hangers so we'll see how long this lasts . . . )
fixed ER's penguin (because I'm a doctor) with real (meaning visible) stiches per owners request;)