Friday, June 1, 2007

books, boys, and baked goods

"I cannot fix on the hour, or the spot, or the look, or the words, which laid the foundation. It is too long ago. I was in the middle before I knew that I had begun."

I love to read.

I love books.

I love owning books.

My library is, well, diverse. Right next to my complete Harry Potter collection I have various selections from Shakespeare. I have copies of all the books Nick Hornby's written. Tolkien and Lewis share space with Jack Kerouac. I'm a huge fan of David McCullough. Currently reading Robert Kiyosaki's Retire Young, Retire Rich. And I have quite the assortment of Dick Francis mysteries and Nora Robert's romances. I'm not ashamed. This list barely scratches the surface. Much like my taste in movies, my love of books crosses many genres.

One of my all time favorite read-it-when-I'm-happy-read-it-when-I'm-sad books is Pride and Prejudice. How beautiful is this story? I still get actual chest pain whenever I read the interactions between Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy. It has always been my understanding that this is a fairly universal feeling amongst JA's readers. However, I've recently been made aware that this is not the case. Apparently P&P does not have a lot of male fans. Did you know this? Am I really this naive? Do guys really not identify with the story? How can they not know that all women are out there searching for their very own Mr. Darcy?

Which brings me to boys.

As my little sister would say, "What the fuck?"

And, really SJ, well said. I grew up knowing that men and women's differences went way beyond the physical. I grew up in the era of Men are from Mars . . . But somehow I thought with age would come wisdom. I really thought that at some point we would begin to meet somewhere closer to the middle. I thought that eventually I could say "Finally! I understand you!" Again, my naivety.

Because, boys? I just don't get you.

Personal opinion time (Because the above was neither personal nor opinionated enough!):

Baked goods should never contain nuts. Never.

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