Can I digress for just a moment? There was a golf cart sized vehicle near the gate with a snowplow attached. It was, fascinatingly, snowplowing. Surely this was not the sole plow available? But it was oh-so comical to see it plowing along with miles of snow-covered runway dwarfing it even further from it's actual size:)
Maybe you had to be there?
I'll move on.
Anyway, frustrating lack of snowfall. The cold was there for portions of my trip. Which made Toastyville very welcoming! But, no snow. Then the temperature started to climb. When Geege came to visit (with visions of snow covered fields and promises of the best sledding around) the temperature actually hit 70 one afternoon. Not the Missouri winters of my childhood for sure. The advantage? Lots of great outdoor time without all the inhibiting layers.
I went fishing with my dad - nothing like eating fresh fish you just dressed and brought home! Went on some long walks, checking out all the change effecting the 'burg. Even spent a day out on the farm with my grandma, my mom, and Gigi. We hiked all over the place - to the lake, down to the branch, through the Bushwhacker's cemetery. It was a beautiful day and perfectly concluded with a impromptu weeny-roast in my parent's back yard!
Haven't posted any pics in a while so think I'll share some from that day . . .

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