Thursday, April 10, 2008

the week in review


I had made plans with the cousins in the 'Mound for a lounge around afternoon. And because of the beautiful Texas spring weather that will too soon turn into more of the nasty/sticky summer variety, the lounging was to commence out of doors. And commence it did. All the essentials were accounted for: tasty thirst quencher, high calorie snacks, mindless fluff of a novel, padded chair positioned poolside, and oh-so-excellent company. Perfect. Except the pesky detail of forgetting the SPF 50.

That evening found me out to a movie (don't bother to see Married Life, by the way) with an old friend followed by her weekly trivia night at a pub nearby. I thought hey, I know some random stuff! Should be fun. Can I say? These people are way out of my league. No amount of cold beer could counteract either the immense heat radiating off my sun burnt body or my feeling of total intellectual inadequacy.

My skin was so fried as a result of my negligence that I had to sleep completely naked. Is that too much information?


The day was spent in painful quiet. By the time the evening rolled around I was so tired of my own company that I medicated myself with an obscene amount of ibuprofen and begged a ride to Karaoke. I somehow let myself be convinced that just because I could sorta halfway sing a song along with the radio that it was ready for a debut at the Tipp. It was not.

And again with the naked sleeping.


I don't wanna talk about Tuesday.


By the time I got to "hump" day I had concluded that this particular week in the life of Amy was crap. Complete and utter crap. I am usually a really good sleeper. It's actually one of my best skills. But my normal sleep habits had been so disrupted because of my traitorous skin that I was exhausted. Spent all day laying on my couch. That in itself would normally be an acceptable way to pass the day. If not for the fact that my cable is out. Way out. Have now watched all my John Cusack movies one time too many.

Was again driven to leave my apartment for an evening out with friends. And again found myself at a location dedicated to Karaoke. I swear that I'm not a junkie. Really. This particular place was new to me but visited as a favor to our Monday night Karaoke guy. Yes, the same one that hates me. And no, I have no idea why I was in the mood to grant such a favor. What was it you called this place Julie? Something about a buffet in Beirut? Perhaps at some point I'll find the energy and the necessary humor to describe this evening in detail, but for now I'll just say that it wasn't exactly my scene and I don't see myself returning. Ever.

Another night where I was unable to tolerate anything touching my skin while I slept. Wondering how many times I'm going to feel the need to point that out in this blog? Me too.


Woke in a semi-panic when I realized what day it was. It took me a bit, however, to remember why the day of the week was important. It just hadn't mattered in such a long time. But, you see, Thursday comes right before Friday. And Friday, I remembered, was to be my initial tentative return to the real world. Because Friday - tomorrow - I have a job interview. Yep. I finally decided to do something constructive about rejoining the work force. The reason for the panic? I have no idea what I'm going to wear. Seriously. I have spent the last 3 months in jeans. And the year before that? All scrubs, all the time. I suppose I could have hit the stores, shopping usually makes me smile. But not really my idea of a good time right now seeing as how it takes me about 20 minutes to put a t-shirt on over my skin each morning.

So here I sit. In a kind of reverie. Except not as pleasant. Hoping for a good night's sleep that may put an end to a week that has been less than fun. A sleep that will leave me energized and ready to tackle the world outside my apartment tomorrow.

And really hoping to take on both - sleep and tomorrow - fully and appropriately clothed.


KCCowboy said...

Naked, huh??

KCCowboy said...

First of all, you are gunna kick ass at the interview. if they see in you what we see, they are gunna make you the chairman! As for kareoke, you actually rock!! Rememeber, i have recordings! I miss our Kareoke days. And I vaguely remember you being a Kareaoke junkie (like me)!

Best of luck tomorrow! Just wear your smile, and noone will care what else you'll look great! You'll do great! Go save some lives!

~Easy said...

Sorry, my brain got sidetracked by the word "naked". What was the rest of that post about?