Wednesday, July 23, 2008

crazy hot, crazy cool

blogging soundtrack: random music from
blogging sustenance: aqua, of the ice cold variety

Well, it has been a weird and sorta wonderful 24 hours here in my apartment fortress. I do recall speaking to both of my sisters yesterday as well as my oldest niece. But those calls could have been easily screened if so desired. And today thus far? Not a single conversation. I've heard my own voice only because I woke up late this morning and felt like singing myself a little song. So I did just that on my way to the bathroom for my abbreviated morning routine - relieving of bladder, brushing of teeth, washing of face. Then I went straight back to my bedroom and my much beloved, much missed island of a bed. I curled up to read and stayed until about 40 minutes ago when I realized that I needed a beverage of some kind. Then, of course, I was distracted by the beauty of my laptop and a likely fleeting desire for a connection to the outside world.

I've been on a kick lately of looking up words in the dictionary. Some unfamiliar, new. Some can nearly be described as everyday. (try it, love it) defines a fortress as a large fortified place. Perhaps my home doesn't quite meet "large" criteria but to fortify means to make strong, to impart strength or vigor. To strengthen mentally or morally. And that I can see. I'm feeling pretty strong here, pretty darn vigorous. My mental health is definitely benefiting from this self-imposed seclusion. So I think I'll keep it up for a while. Just grab another book, a cup of coffee and keep right on fortifying.

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