Polly is my oldest college/med school friend. We were assigned the same freshman docent group back in the fall of 1996 (!) and she's been one of the most important people in my life since then. When I think of that first year, I think of going down to the 3rd floor of our dorm to her room most afternoons to watch Rosie O'Donnell. I think of going skiing with her in Weston. I think about cramming for anatomy tests and our first Snow Ball. And mostly I think about how lucky I was to find another person so much like me in a sea of fellow students that were so, so different.
Subsequent years brought CSM and academic trials. Lots of trips (Chicago and Boston top out my favorites!) and some really great parties/celebrations! Our circle of friends changed a bit from the beginning to the end. But she was the one constant through my time in Kansas City.
It didn't take long after we first became friends to become more. To become family. She shared her Eli (I still remember the first time we met!), her parents, her sister. She shared her family. And I shared mine. She and Eli were amongst the first to come visit me when I moved down to Texas. And they're one of the reasons I came really, really close to moving back to Missouri this past year. I don't get to see them nearly as much as I want to - life just seems to get in the way. But just like the constant, the rock, she was to me during med school I know she - along with her family - will always be an integral part of my life.
It just seemed like a good time to say, thanks guys.

Oh how I miss you Amy!!! What a sweet blog. :) Made my day. You will always be an important person in my life as well!
That was really beautiful!! You guys are a great team! You both rock! (well, all of you rock.....don't wanna leave out Eli and the kids).
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