Cooking adventure number
due took place last Saturday night - right before I took off for Key West. Pretty sure it'll go down in history as the rowdiest pizza making effort ever. Well. At least in my little corner of the world:) We started, once again, from scratch. Went to the Dallas Farmer's Market and bought some great Italian sausage from a local farm. Found some beautiful peppers and tomatoes. I even bought a sweet marjoram plant to use in our sauce in place of dried oregano. Shockingly, the herb is actually thriving in my kitchen. We'll see how long that can possibly last! We made a super tasty honey whole wheat dough that everyone loved. And our pizza sauce should be bottled and sold. Seriously! Autumn and I included Julie and Gigi in the prep work this time around and we had so much fun:) Then we invited lots of tasters over to inundate us with compliments regarding our culinary genius. Which they did with great skill:) The picture documentation leaned towards the non-cooking craziness that ensued but I did remember to snap this shot of our last pizza as it came out of the oven. Haven't yet decided what is on the menu for tonight but I'm adamant that it will have absolutely
nothing to do with any kind of dough . . . :)
The answer to the title is FALAFEL!
that's disgusting:)
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