am blogging soundtrack: a harmonizing blend of the whine from my sister's laptop and the whine from my sister's dog
It's my last day in Florida and Sarah's away at work. My flight doesn't leave Orlando until 7 tonight so I find myself faced with something I haven't seen in much abundance as of late: time.
Slept in until 730 - yea me! - and have spent the morning thus far in a stupor on the couch with my favorite canine. Realized that despite SJ's beautiful account of our Peace River experience, we've left quite a few descriptive holes in our weekend coverage. So, here goes.
The following is brought to you, at least in part, by our friends at Nabisco (see above am blogging sustenance).
Left Dallas early Saturday morning - thanks for the airport drop off Jules! My plane was filled to overflowing with two distinct populations of people: young families headed to the wonders of Disney and real estate professionals headed to a convention of other real estate professionals. It was without a doubt the loudest, most obnoxious flight I've ever experienced. At the very first opportunity I hid behind my iPod and prayed for the oblivion of sleep.
Had to rent a car to get from Orlando to Lake Placid and sister Sarah. There is actually quite a bit I could say about that particular adventure but I've decided to give up negativity for Lent and want to get a little jump start. So I'll just summarize by saying that the next time you find yourself in need of a rental car company, I would recommend that you ignore any recommendations for Advantage Rental Car. That's it. That's all you get.
Met Sarah in a town outside of her new home and we did something that we do very, very well. We shopped. Both of our wardrobes have suffered from the distance her move to FL necessitated. We used to share back and forth quite a bit when we were both residing in Texas. So we supplemented with a few unique items a piece and then duplicated a couple of staples. And we did it all, of course, for a bargain:)
When we finally made it to Sarah's house I was super impressed with the home she had made for herself. But I was also a little intimidated. I felt like I was the younger sibling, come to spend spring break with her big sis. She's all grown up with a big girl kitchen, spare bedroom, office, and back yard. She even has a garage! Her place is easily double the size of my apartment and I am seriously green with envy right now. Or, actually. Huh. Maybe I'm green with my attempt at breakfast. Note to self: hummus and Oreos don't really gel that well together.
Saturday night my little sister made me dinner and we did it up true Haller style. Will post picture when I get home that will tell the story much better than I could ever hope to:)
*added 2/25/09*

Bud Light, Heinz Tomato Ketchup, hot dogs on the grill, and a little 24 hour slaw. How could anyone possibly desire more? :)
For Sunday highlights see previous post.
Yesterday we met up for lunch with some family friends from the 'Burg. I'm not sure about Sarah Jo, but I haven't seen the Matthews' in years. Their daughter used to babysit us when we were little and we thought she was just about the coolest person ever! In direct opposition to the chick who watched us the two summers before her. That woman hated me. Not joking, not exaggerating. She hated me and I thought she was a direct descendant from Satan. Again, not joking. I'm positively serious:) Anyway, they happened to be vacationing in Florida and gave Sarah a call. A really, really good time! I didn't even mind when Mr Matthews asked Sarah and I how come we hadn't found any "boys" yet. There was some mention of what good "catches" we were. I know Gayle! Big sigh, I know.
The rest of the day was spent exploring some great used book stores and antique shops. A little money exchanged hands that afternoon as well:) And last night found 2/3 of the Sisters Haller giving bums a good name. Pajama pants, cheesy dance movie, and some really excellent frozen pizza.
All layed out above, it might not sound like much to you. But it was the nearly perfect weekend reunion for 2 Missouri girls who are more than sisters. They're friends. Not completely perfect because of the missing third. But perfection is sometimes kinda boring. Now, perseverance? Persistence? Way more fun. And by definition, repetitive. A repeat reunion attempt that included K? That's a sequel I could get behind:)
1 comment:
sounds like a fabulous vacation... wish I were there! Oh, and I didn't realize Lake Placid was so close to Orlando. I was just in orlando for a conference for 4 days. Bummer.
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