Monday, June 18, 2012


So, work is crazy. 

Of the bat shit variety. 

That is all.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

re: the never ending supply of kale

Have a new veggie pick up this Saturday.  So yesterday I went through the fridge to see what we had left.  The stragglers from last pick up:
1. half a head of cabbage
2. one yellow onion
3. two small potatoes
4. one ugly, ugly, ugly bunch of kale
5. several miniature plums - why oh why haven't I eaten these yet???

I put part of that ugly kale to use in a spinach pesto I was making for dinner last night.  Figured I could sneak it in without altering the flavor much.  I made little puff pastry pinwheels and am now assured that puff pastry makes anything worth eating;)

We've had some takers on kale juice - yeah, I don't get it either but certainly not gonna complain! -  so Mr Juicer's planning on tackling that this weekend.

The plums will be easy.  What to do, then, with the others?  Heard a rumor somewhere that you can grill cabbage.  Sounds kind of sketchy but I'm considering an attempt.  Maybe do a foil pocket with the potatoes and onions to toss on while I'm at it?  I guess we could add some chicken breasts (or possibly kebabs?) and call it a meal.  Hmmmm.  If only the rain will stay away I may just get that refrigerator cleaned out before it's time for a refill!

Fingers crossed;)

PS Last week's pickles should be ready tomorrow - excited about this one!

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

secret goals and long term habits

Do you ever set little challenges for yourself?  Small goals that you don't tell anyone about ?  I'm absolutely confident that all the experts out there who encourage us to buddy up to achieve are totally spot on.  But I'm a rebel and I say no, thank you.  I like to have secret to do lists that are mine and mine alone.  Insignificant milestones that I celebrate as a party of one.  I'm sure that's probably in part so I don't have to answer to anyone when the box goes unchecked or feel embarrassed because someone feels like I'm aiming too low.  Or maybe, just maybe, it's because it's not really any of their business in the first place.  Sometimes I do verbalize these aspirations.  But it's almost always as an aside.  Or it's a part of a very public New Year resolution kind of thing.

Sunday night I decided that for the next week I wasn't going to spend any money at work.  No morning latte break.  No buying lunch from the cafeteria.  Nada.  I haven't even been putting my credit card on my person!  And it's been good.  I've been making coffee before I leave for work each morning (advantage: less money spent and the benefit of both organic coffee and milk).  I've been bringing something for lunch each day, usually several small things like Greek yogurt or fruit and almonds (advantage: ditto on the less money spent/organic thing and the added YAY of lots of mini-metabolism boosters).  I'm feeling good about my self.  And apparently ultra confident about completely this goal, otherwise probably wouldn't be putting it down in black and white:)  Hoping to slowly start making my way towards a healthier amy this summer!

Of course, I have a couple of other things I'm working on that I'm keeping on the down low for now.  See that?  Rebel.

Friday, June 8, 2012

finally and officially

The husband and I have now been officially wed for almost six weeks. A few days ago I took the necessary steps to ditch the Haller from my name - maybe a tiny bit sad but once a Haller girl, really always a Haller girl:) It's my first time off from work since the honeymoon and wow, have I been once busy chick. I'd been blaming all the wedding hoopla as my one and only time suck. But turns out that there are all kinds of things out there stealing my hours!

Regardless, I promised myself that as life slowed down post nuptials I would get back to my biscuit head blogging. So here I am:

Yesterday I made the most delicious orzo with roasted vegetables and feta. I used a similar recipe from Ina Garten as a jumping off point. My new extended family - yay! - makes it frequently and it's ridiculously good. Our last week's veggie co-op haul included a beautiful eggplant as well as a few zucchinis and a summer squash. Once roasted with a little Greek olive oil, salt, and pepper I added the vegetables to a bunch of cooked orzo and a quick dressing consisting of more of the Greek olive oil and freshly squeezed lemon juice. After cooling to room temperature, I combined it all with some wonderfully salty feta cheese and perfectly toasted pine nuts. Yep. Awesomeness.

I'm not always as inspired by the produce we end up with.  There frequently seems to be more than our fair share of kale.  Gotta say, not a fan.  I think the family thinks it's funny to stick me with the greens they know I'll allow to rot away in my refrigerator.  This past week was no exception.  Two big (could I say ugly or would that just sound petty?) bunches of the stuff.  But that Clayton of mine was not even close to intimidated.  He decided the best way to handle this particular bounty was to juice it.  It probably won't surprise you to learn that I am still not a fan.  But I, being the thoughtful new daughter and sister in law that I am, have frozen his efforts in order to share with said family at our next Sunday night dinner.  Nice, right?  Much more on our adventures into juicing to come!

The haul also included several Kirby cucumbers that should be perfect for pickling.  They are sliced and salted and being cooled  - I don't know why exactly but I am, if nothing else, a dutiful follower of new recipes - in the fridge as I type.  And now it's nearly time for phase 2 which has something to do with making a brine.  Aren't I just the most fun?

P.S. I have joined Pinterest and am now struggling with addiction. 

P.P.S.  I've missed this:)