Thursday, June 14, 2012

re: the never ending supply of kale

Have a new veggie pick up this Saturday.  So yesterday I went through the fridge to see what we had left.  The stragglers from last pick up:
1. half a head of cabbage
2. one yellow onion
3. two small potatoes
4. one ugly, ugly, ugly bunch of kale
5. several miniature plums - why oh why haven't I eaten these yet???

I put part of that ugly kale to use in a spinach pesto I was making for dinner last night.  Figured I could sneak it in without altering the flavor much.  I made little puff pastry pinwheels and am now assured that puff pastry makes anything worth eating;)

We've had some takers on kale juice - yeah, I don't get it either but certainly not gonna complain! -  so Mr Juicer's planning on tackling that this weekend.

The plums will be easy.  What to do, then, with the others?  Heard a rumor somewhere that you can grill cabbage.  Sounds kind of sketchy but I'm considering an attempt.  Maybe do a foil pocket with the potatoes and onions to toss on while I'm at it?  I guess we could add some chicken breasts (or possibly kebabs?) and call it a meal.  Hmmmm.  If only the rain will stay away I may just get that refrigerator cleaned out before it's time for a refill!

Fingers crossed;)

PS Last week's pickles should be ready tomorrow - excited about this one!

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