This is obviously a very delayed entry as Emma Rose just recently celebrated her second birthday. The pictures are current so there has been a bit of an evolution from the original sweet baby girl vintage nursery to something a little more modern and functional. But the (old) bones that I loved are still here with so many family heritage pieces that make me smile just walking into the room. I've lost both my grandmothers - the most recent just this last fall. So seeing things my maternal Grandmother (Nanaw) made for Emma be a part of her every day life warms my heart. There's even a beautifully illustrated old children's book that belonged to her when she was a little girl on one of Emma's - higher!- shelves. My paternal Grandmother (Grandma Rozelle) passed away when I was in college but her presence is felt in this room too. Emma Rose was named for her and I love having the quilt of hers that I inherited help decorate this room. The white teddy bear on one of the shelves was made by my aunt for all the granddaughters with the chenille bedspread that always dressed my grandparents bed. I am blessed to have a family with so many talented people. There is so much familial love hanging out in this room!
custom blackout shades, upholstered toy boxes that serve as a window seat and everyone's favorite rug |
dolls and toys from my childhood along with a few other vintage finds |
a teddy bear made by one great aunt and Boing dolls made by another |
photos of 'Grammy' when she was a girl, an original painting by a cousin and a bulletin board covered with vintage fabric |
top: vintage chenille quilt pieced together by yours truly
middle: wedding ring quilt from Great Grandma Rozelle
bottom: baby quilt made by Nanaw |
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