Tuesday, August 25, 2009

a small share

After blogging yesterday I spent an enjoyable morning just lazing around and reading. After arrival at work, my day went downhill in a hurry. I don't really want to get into the details just now. Don't want to drag myself down into that funk again. Because I'm currently funkless. And I'm funkless for a variety of reasons. Won't detail the entire list here. But, here's one of them.


I love this! I do this! I've blogged about this!

Monday, August 24, 2009

an anti-climactic return

Well. I've been really horrible at the whole blogging thing lately. Just haven't had a lot to say I guess. And haven't really had much sit-down-quiet-time either. But today I start a float week at work which translates into sleeping in, making pots of coffee, and scoring some serious amy time.

After my shift ends Friday at 8 pm Clayton and I are heading down to Austin to meet up with some of his friends. We're driving down with Dr Guy (And, no. I did not bestow this particular nickname on him. His name is Guy and he happens to be a doctor. I would have come up with something much more creative. Or at least something more ridiculous.) and I'm getting pretty excited. We're planning on "floating the river" Saturday. This is something that has been mentioned to me as a Texas must-do ever since I first moved down here six (!) years ago. It took me a little while to figure out that it's nothing like the Haller Family float trips of old. First, no canoes. People actually laughed at me when I mentioned something about paddling. Second, no early morning put-in. Third, no deer sausage and cheese breaks. No food at all actually. And the differences continue into near infinity. As far as I can tell, the only similarities seem to be copious amounts of beer and shockingly cold water. I'll let you know how I fare:)

After the weekend, I have almost a week off before doing a trio of nights. Then more time off. Not sure yet what I'll do with my time. Just got the schedule so didn't know to plan anything. Maybe I'll look for random last minute travel deals and head off somewhere exotic by myself. All my days off will be during the week so hard to involve anyone else . . .

Ah. Just remembered why I haven't been blogging. No attention span anymore. Gotta work on that. Later.

Friday, August 7, 2009

uh, yeah

I don't know why I'm frustrated exactly. Or maybe I do but I know it's not really reasonable to feel this way. Or maybe it's completely reasonable but I know it sounds just a little ridiculous so have elected not to verbalize anything.


Yep. That sounds about right.