Monday, July 30, 2012

manic mondays

I'm not a fan of today.  Just saying.

So the new project is now in process.  Well, ok. Extremely early planning stages kind of process.  But still.  We have decided to tackle our first home reno: new, pretty-yet-functional bathroom here we come!  The husband is being AWESOME and handling all the meets and greets with contractors to get bids.  First one down, a million seventy eight to go;)  Updates as they occur!

Some random: anyone watch Falling Skies?  This seems like something I might be able to get into.  But do I really need another TV show to occupy my time?  Well, yes.  Obviously, I do.  I'll have to remember to check out the Netflix situation.

More random: If you could have any food in the whole wide world this very second, what would it be?

I'm exhausted.  And really, really not a fan of today.

Monday, July 23, 2012

poppyseeds are beautiful this time of year

am blogging soundtrack: Clayton noises while he gets ready for work
am blogging sustenance: my favored Tree Hugger coffee with milk
am blogging mood/moods: satisfied peacefulness

I'm sure the mood has an expiration date and I'm already half way through my cup of coffee.  Clayton will hit the door soon and the spell will be broken.  But for these moments in time, I am one happy Amy:)

Doing a different shift at work this week that has allowed me to turn off my 530 alarm.  I'm looking forward to the change in pace.  It's been pretty intense lately.  Not bad intense, exactly.  But not so great either.  By tomorrow I'll probably be ready to go back to my predictable routine.  But for now, sitting here without a clear idea of how my day will progress appeals to me.  Yep.  I'm a little surprised at that one myself!

Looking for my next project. 

We're co-hosting a baby shower for Clayton's sister at the end of August here at the house.  But besides providing a venue, my sole assigned (so, ok, I volunteered) role was to tackle the invites.  They are ridiculously cute - pics soon - but now crossed off my to do list.  The food/drinks/etc are being handled by others.  Not really used to sharing party control - we'll see how this one goes!  I may try to squeeze some cute decor in under the radar;) 


I need a new project.

Is it time to redo the upstairs bathroom?  We've been in the house for 2 years now and haven't touched it.  It wouldn't be a solo project.  I'd need professional help.  We're talking gut job here.  Am I ready for that?

Should I be thinking smaller scale?  Guest room or man cave (ssshh, don't tell Clayton) tweaking? 

Too early for Christmas crafting?  Get started on our wedding scrapbook?  Painting?


Coffee is gone and so is my Clayton.  Time to start my day.  Let's see where it takes me;)

Sunday, July 15, 2012

afternoon tea

Love, love, LOVE the whole idea of afternoon tea.  The tradition of it, the femininity.  It's one of my favorite things.  Clayton unfortunately - but understandably - doesn't really feel the whole tea party thing.  So I took advantage of some family girl time while I had it.  Carrie and the nieces were great sports!  Of course the bribe of freshly made juices from this morning to go with our tea may have helped my case a little bit;)

summer lovin'

One of the absolute best things about this time of year is all the ridiculously good produce floating around.  My twin sister and her three beautiful little girls came for a visit this week and we took them to the Farmer's Market yesterday.  Included in our purchases were a big yellow watermelon and a bag of peaches- both Texas grown.  We ate half the watermelon as an afternoon snack just a few hours after bringing it home.  But unfortunately the peaches turned out to be a little on the riper side than we expected.  Clayton and his Sunday-morning-juicing to the rescue!  He'd already planned to make homemade apple juice to go along with our breakfast feast of Uncle Frank's pancakes, scrambled eggs, and bacon.  So he was more than willing to take care of our super squishy peaches and leftover watermelon while he was at it.  The results were extremely delicious and also quite pretty;)

My favorite Lucky jars filled with peach, apple, and watermelon juices respectively!

Monday, June 18, 2012


So, work is crazy. 

Of the bat shit variety. 

That is all.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

re: the never ending supply of kale

Have a new veggie pick up this Saturday.  So yesterday I went through the fridge to see what we had left.  The stragglers from last pick up:
1. half a head of cabbage
2. one yellow onion
3. two small potatoes
4. one ugly, ugly, ugly bunch of kale
5. several miniature plums - why oh why haven't I eaten these yet???

I put part of that ugly kale to use in a spinach pesto I was making for dinner last night.  Figured I could sneak it in without altering the flavor much.  I made little puff pastry pinwheels and am now assured that puff pastry makes anything worth eating;)

We've had some takers on kale juice - yeah, I don't get it either but certainly not gonna complain! -  so Mr Juicer's planning on tackling that this weekend.

The plums will be easy.  What to do, then, with the others?  Heard a rumor somewhere that you can grill cabbage.  Sounds kind of sketchy but I'm considering an attempt.  Maybe do a foil pocket with the potatoes and onions to toss on while I'm at it?  I guess we could add some chicken breasts (or possibly kebabs?) and call it a meal.  Hmmmm.  If only the rain will stay away I may just get that refrigerator cleaned out before it's time for a refill!

Fingers crossed;)

PS Last week's pickles should be ready tomorrow - excited about this one!

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

secret goals and long term habits

Do you ever set little challenges for yourself?  Small goals that you don't tell anyone about ?  I'm absolutely confident that all the experts out there who encourage us to buddy up to achieve are totally spot on.  But I'm a rebel and I say no, thank you.  I like to have secret to do lists that are mine and mine alone.  Insignificant milestones that I celebrate as a party of one.  I'm sure that's probably in part so I don't have to answer to anyone when the box goes unchecked or feel embarrassed because someone feels like I'm aiming too low.  Or maybe, just maybe, it's because it's not really any of their business in the first place.  Sometimes I do verbalize these aspirations.  But it's almost always as an aside.  Or it's a part of a very public New Year resolution kind of thing.

Sunday night I decided that for the next week I wasn't going to spend any money at work.  No morning latte break.  No buying lunch from the cafeteria.  Nada.  I haven't even been putting my credit card on my person!  And it's been good.  I've been making coffee before I leave for work each morning (advantage: less money spent and the benefit of both organic coffee and milk).  I've been bringing something for lunch each day, usually several small things like Greek yogurt or fruit and almonds (advantage: ditto on the less money spent/organic thing and the added YAY of lots of mini-metabolism boosters).  I'm feeling good about my self.  And apparently ultra confident about completely this goal, otherwise probably wouldn't be putting it down in black and white:)  Hoping to slowly start making my way towards a healthier amy this summer!

Of course, I have a couple of other things I'm working on that I'm keeping on the down low for now.  See that?  Rebel.

Friday, June 8, 2012

finally and officially

The husband and I have now been officially wed for almost six weeks. A few days ago I took the necessary steps to ditch the Haller from my name - maybe a tiny bit sad but once a Haller girl, really always a Haller girl:) It's my first time off from work since the honeymoon and wow, have I been once busy chick. I'd been blaming all the wedding hoopla as my one and only time suck. But turns out that there are all kinds of things out there stealing my hours!

Regardless, I promised myself that as life slowed down post nuptials I would get back to my biscuit head blogging. So here I am:

Yesterday I made the most delicious orzo with roasted vegetables and feta. I used a similar recipe from Ina Garten as a jumping off point. My new extended family - yay! - makes it frequently and it's ridiculously good. Our last week's veggie co-op haul included a beautiful eggplant as well as a few zucchinis and a summer squash. Once roasted with a little Greek olive oil, salt, and pepper I added the vegetables to a bunch of cooked orzo and a quick dressing consisting of more of the Greek olive oil and freshly squeezed lemon juice. After cooling to room temperature, I combined it all with some wonderfully salty feta cheese and perfectly toasted pine nuts. Yep. Awesomeness.

I'm not always as inspired by the produce we end up with.  There frequently seems to be more than our fair share of kale.  Gotta say, not a fan.  I think the family thinks it's funny to stick me with the greens they know I'll allow to rot away in my refrigerator.  This past week was no exception.  Two big (could I say ugly or would that just sound petty?) bunches of the stuff.  But that Clayton of mine was not even close to intimidated.  He decided the best way to handle this particular bounty was to juice it.  It probably won't surprise you to learn that I am still not a fan.  But I, being the thoughtful new daughter and sister in law that I am, have frozen his efforts in order to share with said family at our next Sunday night dinner.  Nice, right?  Much more on our adventures into juicing to come!

The haul also included several Kirby cucumbers that should be perfect for pickling.  They are sliced and salted and being cooled  - I don't know why exactly but I am, if nothing else, a dutiful follower of new recipes - in the fridge as I type.  And now it's nearly time for phase 2 which has something to do with making a brine.  Aren't I just the most fun?

P.S. I have joined Pinterest and am now struggling with addiction. 

P.P.S.  I've missed this:)

Thursday, April 19, 2012

needed this

from the middle niece (age 5):

dear amy
are you ready for the weding thars only
12345678 mor day in tel the weding! it sems like
123 mor day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
make it home saf

And, yes.  So ready:)

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

big girls don't cry?

Uh, yeah.

I just completely broke down this morning in my kitchen. I mean, com-plete-ly lost it. Tears. The shoulder shaking kind. The followed by a killer headache kind. The surely-someone-must-have-died kind. And all because of this wedding insanity I've got going on around here.

I do realize that a good portion of it is self imposed stressing. I get that I don't have to make homemade whole-grain honey mustard as thank you gifts for the dinner party the boy's parents' friends are throwing in our honor this Saturday night. And I'm sure my bridesmaids wouldn't be mad if I didn't make their herbal tea hostess presents from scratch for my upcoming bachelorette party weekend. Just like I know my family will appreciate whatever token I give them in April come wedding time, hand crafted or not. But those are the things I'm actually enjoying!! And that's what is so hard to explain to people as they see me edging up to that line just south of crazy. The stuff that could be cut out is the stuff that's most important to me.

It made me so freakin' happy to track down yellow and brown mustard seeds in bulk the other day. I had a ball reading about the potential effects of lemon balm and rose hip for use in a calming/sleepy time tea. And I want to spend the time required to make something for my family that might have some small chance of telling them just how much I love and value each of one them. It's all the other stuff that I want to be able to just snap my fingers and have them magically crossed off my to do list!

No one stepped up last post to help me figure out the whole cloning thing. How about magic? The Harry Potter variety. Anybody? No?

*big sigh*

No worries. I'll just add it to that infamous list of mine;)

Saturday, January 14, 2012

driving the 105

I know it's been a ridiculously long time since I last put a little piece of myself on the blogosphere. Many reasons. A little chaotic around here! My days are filled with work and family. Friends and day to day life. The boy. Lots of time attributed to the boy:) A while back he let me in on a little secret. He actually kind of hates it when I inform the world of his sweetness. So while his blog worthy sweetness has marched tirelessly on, I've been mums the word! And have thus lost a lot of biscuit head fodder.

But the absolute biggest time suck in my life lately? Planning our I'm-sure-it's-going-to be-amazingly-beautiful-but-I-actually-kind-of-hate-it-right-now wedding.

Seriously. I'm so over this wedding.

Not over the occasion of our marriage. Not over becoming Mrs Boy. Not over the promise of our future family and dreams of our life together. I'm extremely excited about all of those things and can't wait for it to be official!

I'm just WAY past being over the planning of this mother f*#king wedding.

See? That's how done with this process I am! Now I sound like a bad Samuel L impersonator.

Ok. To be fair - why do I feel compelled to be fair? - I've enjoyed a lot of the getting married process. The daydreaming up of ideas. Choosing my wedding dress with my sisters. Coming up with thoughtful, often homemade, gifts for our family and members of our wedding party. Searching through antique stores for the vintage treasures that I want to incorporate in our reception decor. My engagement ring. I'm really, really enjoying my engagement ring:)

But I hate the hounding I have to do. Hounding Missouri vendors long distance about a wedding that they see as way in the future but I see as just around the corner. Hounding family about little details or bits of information I need from them. Hounding the boy. About anything. About everything.

You know what I wish? I wish I had a wedding planner/personal assistant. But not just any wedding planner/personal assistant. I wish I could clone myself. Then I would hire my cloned self to be my ultimate personal wedding planning assistant.
