Thursday, October 29, 2009

birthday day 2

I had a really, really great birthday. I decided to make the day my own this year. I didn't rely on any outside sources - took complete responsibility. Started off with a pre-birthday weekend in MO. Needed a little twin time:) And did the whole Clayton-meets-the-parents thing while I was at it! On the actual day, booked myself the works at my favorite spa and it was so worth the price. Told Clayton that all I wanted for my birthday was a fabulous dinner out with him and he more than came through:) Ended a lazy post-birthday day with him by hanging out with a few of my favorite girls for mani/pedis and margaritas. The perfect way to celebrate the big 3 - 2! An added bonus: Brian (my mani-pedicurest) insisted that I was born into luck. The 7-7 birth year coupled with my "snake" status mean good things are coming my way. He was a little more specific (made me blush!) but we'll see what happens:)

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