Friday, September 7, 2007

When in Rome . . .

What is normal?

My college roommate and I used to refer to ourselves as the only two normal people in the world. Seriously. We used to drive all our friends crazy with talk about our normalcy. We even thought we should be featured on TV. The rest of our country needed a guide after all!:)

Tonight during dinner with two really wonderful friends -

Pause. Patsy Cline is on. Must dance around and sing, back shortly.

Ok. I'm back. During dinner I claimed to be normal. I think my friends were offended that I would label myself as such. They equated normal to average. I disagreed. They asked me to define normal. My answer? Me. They then accused me of being grandiose. Hmmmm.

This blog was brought to you by the following sponsors: Patron Silver tequila and Chahelam Pinot Noir.


amy said...

Ian and Gigi:
You are both within one standard deviation of me. Thus normal. Deal with it. Please see the official unabridged dictionary of Amy for the true definition of normal. Also. Please drink more tequila.

amy said...

"I am a perfect human being. Full of flaws."

"I've won the genetic lottery."

amy said...

"I am clever."

-G^2 said...

I will defer to wikipedia and google (as is my wont) for my standard definition of normal. However, I much prefer Amy's.

Stop quoting me when I'm drunk.

little.rogue77 said...

I'm not drunk. And I really did win the genetic lottery.

amy said...

"Is 'wont' a dirty word?"

"It's my preference, my tendency."

"Sounds dirty to me."