Monday, January 12, 2009

i feel fine

am blogging soundtrack: The Beatles, 1
am blogging sustenance: Allegro Organic Guatemala La Magnolia Light Roast

I was conflicted last night when going to bed - to set an alarm or not to set an alarm? You see, today was my first day off (actually just switching to the night shift) after 14 days of doing my busy little bee routine at work. While sleeping in until I could sleep no more sounded like heaven, there just was so much that I either needed or wanted to do! I'm pretty sure I fell asleep while still contemplating the dilemma, woke this morning well-rested and in desperate need for coffee:)

So here I sit, drinking that first life-saving cup and mentally planning the next few hours of my day . . .

At some point I'll need to exchange the pajamas for grown-up clothing but pretty sure that will still be down the road a bit. I also need to do the laundry thing. Not quite feeling that just now either. Food may become important as well. Confident that my current caffeine consumption will keep me satisfied for a while though. Am embarrassingly past-due for a pedicure. Should really start planning out the packing for Key West next week. Have a teetering stack of books begging for some love and affection. Despite the marathon at Whole Foods yesterday, the refrigerator is laughingly bare save some leftover sweet potato puree and assorted condiments. Oh. Crap. I also need to drop by work and pick up the call pager for tonight.

And so here I sit, drinking that second life-postponing cup . . .

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