Sunday, September 6, 2009

caution: mushy love stuff ahead

Several years ago on Thanksgiving night I watched the newest cinematic version of Pride and Prejudice. I've always been affected by the romance of the story and found this version to live up to my expectations of more of the same. There is a scene near the end of the movie when the early morning sun is shining down across a field and we see Elizabeth and Mr Darcy meet. Remember? The musical score and cinematography manipulated the hell out of my emotions. I know this. But still I was incredibly moved by the beauty of the moment. I had chest pain. Seriously. Not kidding. Actual, honest-to-goodness chest pain. It was like a pressure, a sensation of being filled up to capacity with something. Something that I thought, never having actually experienced it, might feel a little like love.

Fast forward a few years.

Is it completely obvious that I am hopelessly and ridiculously in love? If this blog isn't your only interaction with me then it probably is. Just when I think I couldn't possibly feel any more for him, I do. Earlier today I was walking through my apartment and thought randomly about him and what he might be doing at that exact moment. I've been working nights and haven't been getting my amy-clayton time. I was filled almost to overflowing with love just thinking about and missing him. And then it hit me. Chest pain. Actual, honest-to-goodness chest pain. And guess what. Not a single bit of movie magic manipulation in sight . . . :)


Polly said...

awesome. i can't wait to meet him. :)

William said...

You've got to bring this boy to Missouri!