Sunday, December 27, 2009

how do you like them apples?

This year instead of making a bunch of new year resolutions that overwhelm me to the point that I ultimately decide they are actually detrimental to my health, I've decided to add one good habit and take away one bad each month. They will be small things that are more easily accomplished. But, by the end of the year I'll be one ridiculously healthy Amy!

As a trial, I started early at the beginning of this month. I have stopped drinking pop (take away one bad habit) and started flossing my teeth each and every day (and add a good one!). I've been doing really, really well. No slip-ups so far! Still find myself reaching for a Coke Zero every once and a while but never actually succumb. And sometimes I have to get back out of bed at night because I forgot to floss when I brushed my teeth before going to sleep. But I always do it!

I think for January I'm going to take away multi-ingredient snacking (leaving only fruits, nuts, veggies, etc as an option) and add in daily sit ups/crunches. And of course this will be in addition to my December habits. Might actually get a bit of a jump start on those starting tomorrow. Already too late on the snacking thing today. Hey, give me a break. I'm on call:)

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