Tuesday, June 10, 2008

wincing the night away

Over the last few days it seems like I've been asked the following question (with few variations) an improportionate number of times:

So, what have you been up to?

It's been asked over the phone by a friend I haven't connected with in close to a year. Asked by family members who get fairly frequent unsolicited updates on my day-to-day life. Asked by new, or barely known, acquaintances as a part of their somewhat lame efforts at small-talk. And even asked by people that I've been seeing on a nearly daily basis as of late.

I can't quite figure out why I'm so bothered by this question.

Is it because I'm not convinced the person who poses the question really cares about the answer? Is it because, in the case of my long-lost friend, I don't have a clue where to start?

Most likely it's because some days the answer truly is, not much.

Maybe I should work on that.


BJUJU said...

don't worry...you will be working hard soon...again I will say it...ENJOY every lazy minute you get! you deserve it for the hundredth time....

amy said...

Thx Jul:) But it's not about other people now, it's about me. I just wanna make each day count for something. Ya know? I've still got tons of stuff I want to accomplish before I get back to the grind. Time for me to get BUSY. Even if it's getting busy at reading ridiculous vampire novels or watching entire seasons of shows in a matter of days. Speaking of which, I see some Entourage and Weeds in my future . . .:)

~Easy said...

My stock answer is "The usual bullshit". But then I'm kind of a curmudgeon.