Wednesday, September 17, 2008

i need a patio

These last 3 days in Dallas have been amongst the most beautiful I can remember in Texas. Blue skies. A temp high of 80. Amazingly, not humid. A nice breeze that couldn't be further from a hurricane speed wind. And once nightfall strikes, it is a most excellent backdrop for a truly spectacular moon.

It would be absolutely perfect if someone hadn't been slipping all I come into contact with an excess of crazy pills.

Seriously peeps. There are some completely looney individuals taking up space in DFW as of late. I've asked it before and I'll ask it again now: How do these people find me? Is it sort of like a pheromone? Or a beacon of some kind? The crazies freakin' love me.

On the up side . . . Work is going well. Really well. The grown-up guy is still around and still acting very grown-up. The Cowboys are looking good for a Super Bowl run. And tomorrow my sister is giving me a new little niece or nephew.

So, on second thought, bring it on crazies. I can take it:)

1 comment:

-G^2 said...

On the subject of crazies...

Did you notice it's been exactly a month since the night of Ramone? At least some good came out of it ;)