Thursday, February 26, 2009


So. Yesterday I spent almost the whole day on my couch. Had a killer headache that was immune to my normal cure all - ridiculous quantities of caffeine and renal-failure-inducing amounts of ibuprofen. Sleep was also allusive. Thus: the couch, my TV, and a fair dose of self-pity.

Do you know how many eHarmony commercials are shown on average each hour? Ok, well I don't either but it seems like a lot. They draw you in with their happy, hip couples. And then they seduce you with their talk of free personality profiles.

Most everyone who really knows me knows that there is no possible way that I could ever delve into the online dating world. Not because it's not a legitimate way of meeting people. But because I don't have anywhere near the patience level required to participate. Nowhere near. But a profile of my personality? For free? I transferred myself with dramatic cautiousness from couch to computer and signed on up.

Yeah, I'm still a little shocked too.

I just wanted to see what kind of conclusion could be made about me from answering a few questions. And if buying into their marketing ploy was my first mistake, then the "few questions" assumption was my second. It was exhausting. And the best thing to come of it was that I was finally able to take a nap.

I woke up from that nap refreshed and without headache.

Noticed almost right away that my crackberry was blinking it's potentially seizure-inducing red light at me to indicate that emails had arrived. And arrived. And arrived. And arrived.

I am being stalked by eHarmony.


Jo Bird said...

you didn't share what you found out from your personality profile. and are any of the stalkers cute?

amy said...

the profile was highly contradictory of it self: i was shy, i was assertive. i was laidback, i was regimented. you get the idea. not saying that all of the above isn't true:) but was looking for a little more clarity. i guess i was expecting a little too much from a hook, huh?

-G^2 said...

I seem to recall a similar issue when I did the eharmony thing a few years ago. I was a risk-loving conversative who liked to be alone with 20 of my closest friends. Or something like that.

But the second part remains unanswered, any cute ones?