Friday, February 22, 2008


Yet another quietly spent morning, the kind of peace I only previously was able to claim for myself on a stolen weekend. But it's Friday and just another day in the long chain I've been blessed with since I quit my job. I know that work is in my near future but am content for now to enjoy this freedom. Trying to see, and take, pleasure in the small things. A cup of coffee that I'm allowed to linger over. The opportunity to re-read a favorite book. Engaging in what the charming people of Ireland refer to as a "lie-in." Days spent in my flannel pjs doing all of the above!

Wednesday night I tried without large success to see the lunar eclipse. I did get to see a portion of it early on during the cycle. But then the cloudy skies over the DFW area thwarted additional efforts and I finished the evening disappointed. It was the kind of February evening in Texas that teased you into thinking spring had arrived. Perfect if not for those stupid, stupid clouds! I spoke with my parents while sky-gazing and discovered that they had a clear view of the event in MO. Not a cloud in sight. Of course, their compromise was watching the eclipse in below freezing weather:)

I'm sure there is a very reasonable and scientific reason for this paradox. Something about warm air currents from the gulf or a similar weather-related phenomenon that would do nothing to alleviate my disappointment in our cloud-covered fate. But, I couldn't help but to laugh a little at the pictures in my head. Me, in jeans and t-shirt sitting unsatisfied under the Texas sky. And my parents with coats and hats on over their pajamas, wondering if the red disc seen from our front porch in Missouri was worth the risk of frostbite. Further evidence to me that we are so not in charge . . . :)

1 comment:

~Easy said...

We had a clear view, but looking at it would have required getting dreesed again, and the family was in for the duration. A quick glimpse in stocking feet sans coats was all we could stand.