Thursday, August 7, 2008

sweet valley twins and the haunted house

It was brought to my attention just yesterday that I have recently been on somewhat of an obsessive reading binge.

Let's be clear: I've always been a voracious reader. I remember being so freakin' excited in the first grade when I was granted extra library privileges and actually allowed to take some of our classroom books home. And I'll never forget the very first chapter book my mom let me buy at our local TG&Y (see blog title). In fact, it's still in the basement of my parent's house. Guess the book hoarding thing I've got going on now isn't exactly a new phenomenon, huh? I also have a very clear memory of being questioned pretty suspiciously by my seventh grade reading teacher when I showed up after one fall weekend with 5 extra credit book reports to hand in. We'd just gotten a new bookstore in a nearby town and I'd gone a little nuts with my allowance money. Yet another sign of things to come:)

But back to the binging. It has been a touch ridiculous as of late. When this observation was made, it came with a challenge to come up with some kind of book total. We initially, briefly, considered a sort of sabbatical tally but gave that up as impossible. A list of summer reads was also considered. This might, with significant effort, be accomplished. But eventually it was decided to simply count up the books I've gone through so far this month.

So, Jul and Sammy Kay here goes. My August total to date is 11 and I'm gonna settle down with number 12 here in another 15 minutes or so. The longest book was the 754 page conclusion to the Twilight series and the shortest was a super quick 239 pager. 4 of the books are part of a set that I've read before and unearthed from under my bed recently. Two were on loan from sister Sarah. Three were brand new additions to my library and another 2 I borrowed from yours Julie. All could be considered fluff as I'm on an anti-highbrow kick currently and loving it. I'll be sure to keep you girls updated as the month progresses . . .

God. I'm such a dork:)

1 comment:

-G^2 said...

Well, you're a dork surrounded by kick-ass fellow dorks, and that's a pretty darn good place to be.