Tuesday, January 19, 2010

buliding a negotiation

Last week Clayton and I had a fight. Well, several in fact. We're better than ever now and - while very important at the time - the details aren't all that relevant to the purpose of this post. These fights were long distant as I'd made the trek to central Florida to check in on little sister Sarah. While wasting time at the Orlando Airport prior to my flight back to Texas, I found a book. A really, really great book.

Why Him? Why Her? is written by Helen Fisher and it's enlightening. Seriously. It places people in 4 primary personality groups and sort of dissects who and how each of the groups love. Some of it is a little on the cheesy side but other parts are very nearly inspiring. For me, the worth of the book can be summed up by this: Instead of asking Clayton to analyze with me every small nuance of our fight - which is the way I usually roll - I just came home and told him I loved him. And we were both more than ok with that.


Polly said...

Sorry about the fight, but glad about the happier place you are now . . . miss you!

amy said...

I miss you too, Polly Liz!!!!