Friday, January 29, 2010

cabin fever

It's cold and rainy and I feel like crap. Welcome to my pity party. Can I get you a drink?

Went home early from work today for the second day in a row. I'm such a slacker. My partners have been great, letting me cut out early after I've seen all my peops. And how do I thank them? By leaving lots of amy's-sick cooties in my wake. Nice, huh? I think they were all just really thankful that I made it in each morning to see my share of our 120 plus patients before crying uncle. Wondering if my patients are feeling that same level of appreciation . . .

Was supposed to road trip to Houston this weekend for TC's baby shower. Now that's out and I feel terrible about missing the opportunity to see Leticia and her baby bump. But there's no way I'm letting little Mexi-melt be exposed to my current brand of nasty:(

Feeling miserable but also extremely antsy. Just going a little stir crazy, ya know? Counting on Clayton rescuing me from myself when he gets off work tonight. My hero:)

My good habits have been suffering this week while I've been sick. Really hard to convince yourself that 50 crunches are necessary when you're hacking up a lung. Hoping that I can get back on track soon . . . Still haven't decided what to add in for February.

Wow. This was all a little depressing. Should have offered you guys a double.

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