Monday, March 29, 2010

blog soup

am blogging soundtrack: Ingrid Michaelson's Girls and Boys am blogging moods: selfish and content am blogging attire: xl pink pj pants am blogging sustenance: super fat CM blueberry muffin and super tasty Mighty Leaf Organic Breakfast

It totally figures that the first morning in forever that I have the undeniable right to sleep in, my internal alarm clock went off just a little before 530. Damn Circadian rhythms.

Good news: I'm a rebel and I just turned over and went right back to sleep. 2 hours later . . .

So, as might have been gleaned from last night's post, I am well on my way to being a home owner. The house is beautiful and obviously meant to be mine. It was built in 1929, has a rock hard foundation, a few original galvanized steel pipes mixed in with updates, stunning hard wood floors, and a real (ie creepy) attic. I'm in love:)

Confession: I love singing Karaoke to The Way I Am and think I'll start trying harder to learn it on my mom's baritone ukulele.

Today my favorite patient is set to go home on Hospice. Yesterday I told him and his wife goodbye since I wasn't going to be there this morning. I told them it had been an honor to care for him and they told me it had been their blessing. Tears all around. They wished me luck with my young man and as I was leaving the room Mr Dignity added this with wet and shiny eyes: Does he cry? Never trust a man who doesn't have the ability to cry. You deserve better than that.

FYI: It turns out that the word anything isn't quite as empty as I thought.

Just a little bit of random everything thrown into a big copper pot.

Happy Monday:)

1 comment:

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Best regards,

Mike Thomas