Thursday, August 5, 2010

marching forward

Managed to win a few battles, but as my week off nears it's end I fear I may be losing the war.

Most of Monday I spent at the grocery store and prepping for a Southwest themed dinner party. The food - Southwestern sloppy joes, cilantro cole slaw, and potato salad made a little kicky with the addition of a few cayenne peppers - turned out perfectly in my modest opinion. I pushed my personal spicy envelope to cater to some of my guests and everyone seemed happy with the resultant heat. But the overall evening was frustrating. Really frustrating.

I love cooking for people, having them in my home, entertaining. I told everyone that we had to eat at 6 because Clayton and I had to leave the house at 730 to make a 8 pm kickball game. I thought I'd made myself perfectly clear. 1 person offered to bring stuff to make frozen margaritas - yay! Another wanted to bring guac, chips, etc for pre dinner munchies - double yay! Yet another was supposed to do dessert but opted out which was completely fine.

But what time do you think my guests arrived? Margaritas arrived at 6 on the dot and apologized profusely as she walked in the door because she realized that she had misunderstood the timing. I, however, was plating dinner as she came in and we were able to sit down to eat shortly after. No biggie. Dessert then walked in at 620 while I was finishing my sloppy joe. Chips and dip got there at 625.

I love all these people. I love what we usually do which is sit around for hours enjoying each other. Getting a little tipsy on the drink/cocktail of the day. Instead I had to kick them all out at 730 and leave my kitchen a mess because of all the screwed up timing. And I really, really hate that. I know that none of them were being intentionally inconsiderate. It just left a really bad taste in my mouth. It took away all the fun. Maybe realizing that it all meant more to me than it did to them? I had even put a little cactus arrangement on the dining room table and wore my chili pepper apron that my Grandma made me. I really got into it - I love a good theme! And the only one who noticed was Clayton. And he's a boy. A really good, sweet boy. But still a boy. It all felt a little like wasted time. Ya know?

Gotta move on.

We won our kickball game and went out to celebrate afterwards. I possibly took it a tad too far (people kept buying me shots) and Wednesday was basically a wash as I spent the majority of it in my bed.

But today I'm taking back my vacation. I'm headed out to buy myself a cup of coffee. And maybe some eggs. And then it's on to a movie. Maybe a little shopping. Dinner tonight with Clayton and friends. Greek. Greek always make me happy:)

Look out Thursday. I'm a girl on a mission.

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