Saturday, January 26, 2008

one part vodka

Julie - my super organized, in charge cousin - has done a lot of the initial party planning work. Perhaps my getting-started contribution will be to develop a new "party planner" cocktail. Hmmmmm. Yes. I like that idea. Luckily I have just the thing I need to get started on my "getting-started" drink . . . nothing like a pretty bottle of Vox waiting for you in your freezer to get your creative juices flowing:)


Code name: 1% said...

We had a fondue/fondon't party last February. It was a lot of fun and really not too much work. I think we had 6-7 different fondues. Borrowed some pots, got the rest from St. Vinnies/Savers/Salvation Army and the like. People get rid of lots of fondue pots.

amy said...

Salvation Army, great idea! What were some of the fondon'ts? :)