Saturday, January 16, 2016

four for four

Four days and four organization projects down.

Project one: complete overhaul of the miscellaneous drawer in the kitchen.  This drawer holds every random kitchen utensil you can possibly imagine.  Realized as I was doing it that this effort was the first such effort applied to this space since we moved in 5 and half years ago.  Oops?  I may have had 6 extra corkscrews that I got rid of . . . and that wasn't including the bar stash.  It was a proud moment.

Project two: purge and organize the coffee/tea drawer.  A couple of questions.  How many coffee cups does one family need?  And does tea ever expire?

Project three: containing the container drawer.  We don't do Tupperware or plastic containers anymore.  Use these great glass containers we initially bought for baby food making.  We love them, they are awesome.  They take up ridiculous amounts of space.  This is a monthly project that honestly should probably be done weekly.  You may see this one again as a repeater.

Project four: investigation and subsequent relocation of family snacks/treats.  Bit the bullet and threw out the last of the Halloween candy.  Don't tell Emma!  Also got rid of some very suspect raisins.  Had to make room for all the chocolate that somehow finds it's way into my house after the holidays.

And I actually did some minor bonus organization in other areas of the kitchen while I was at it.  Go me!  Remember this when I start slacking towards the end of the month;)

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