Friday, March 7, 2008

green, green grass

I remember having conversations with girlfriends in the past about how great the beginning of a relationship was. Everything is new, everyone is on their best behavior. We'd reminisce about the giddiness of first kisses and smile about the time spent choosing an outfit for a second or third date. And then we'd complain about how things just get too comfortable too fast.

We were so stupid.

Now all I want is to be comfortable. I'm tired of being on my best behavior. I wanna wear jeans and my most comfy t-shirt. And I don't want to shave. There. I said it. I really, really don't want to shave.


~Easy said...

Thankfully, my wife still shaves, even after 20 years of marriage and 4 years of dating.

Code name: 1% said...

So don't shave. I don't shave my legs at all - I haven't since I was 18 - and only kind of haphazardly shave my pits (which is a relatively new development). It's never prevented me from regularly getting booty or getting into more serious relationships. If they don't like your body hair, then FUCK THEM (or, rather, don't).