Friday, April 11, 2008


This past week has been bad - very, very bad. Should have been easy to complete my SPF assignment. But a few things happened:

1)Yesterday's "the week in review" was very cathartic.
2)I actually slept well last night. In pajamas.
3)I made an entire (10 cup) pot of coffee this morning that I am diligently working my way through. Added bonus, I remembered to buy milk!

So, when faced with the task of "bad" I was distracted by my brain shouting GOOD!

Decided to go with the distraction, embrace the good, and indulge in a little opposite Friday:)


Cricky said...

excellent idea.

Hope the good vibes keep coming your way.

I played too!

Unknown said...

happy spf :)

christina ina said...

Seeing the good in life over the bad is never a bad thing. And what's not good about coffee? :-)

I played.

Random and Odd said...

Send some my way!!! I need good.

Liza said...

yay for opposites :D

i played too!