Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Hello Aunt Amy

My youngest niece turned 1 year old today. For some reason my sister and brother-in-law failed to notice the significance of 6/6/6 when choosing a cesarean date. But luckily, Miss Myla has turned out to be quite the angel and not anything similar to the devil child we all feared. I called her this morning to wish her happy birthday while she gummed the phone - her favorite mode of communication. But I caught her during a nap and spoke to my older niece instead.

Jacelynn turned 4 last month and I swear she's smarter than I am. She said "Hello Aunt Amy. How are you?" After exchanging similar pleasantries I asked her how her summer vacation was going and what she was doing. She asked "Right now or on my vacation?" Let's start with today. "Well I got up early this morning. Then I ate a little breakfast. And since then I've been working. But it's hard to work and talk to you on the phone at the same time." I'm so sorry:) I swear she's 4 going on 14. Maybe even 4 going on 40! But it made me smile and that smile lasted almost the whole rest of the day. Almost . . . :)

1 comment:

-G^2 said...

I believe it's a universally recognized fact that you have absolutely adorable nieces. Almost cuter than mine. :)